Current Appeal

Help us rebuild and recover

Help us Raise $15,000
Funds Raised 11%

Donations above $2 are tax-deductible

You have the power to make a difference. Please consider donating to the Kerala Landslide Relief Fund. Every contribution matters; together, we can bring hope and dignity back to those affected. We're raising money to make a difference.

Support Navachethana and Maithreyee Gurukula

Help us Raise $40,000
Funds Raised 7%

Donations above $2 are tax-deductible

You have the power to make a difference. Every donation, no matter the size, helps create a better world. Sewa International Australia invites you to support two impactful causes, preserving our heritage and providing opportunities for the differently-abled.

Current Appeal

Presently, there are no appeals.

Join together for Sewa
Donations above $2 are tax-deductible

Best way to make a difference in the lives of other.


Make a difference today

School Kit

Sewa International Australia’s School Kit includes a year’s supply of Stationary to included as part of their School Bag.


Special moments in life are thereby blessed by supporting the needy around us. Read more and join our Mangalanidhi program. 

Maithreyee Gurukulam

The goal of Maithreyee Gurukulam is to introduce the system of education based on the Rishi Culture.